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Village festival Herrliberg 2022

BONT Gartenbau at the Generationen-Dorffäscht in Herrliberg
For the first time in 34 years, Herrliberg organizes a village festival again, and of course BONT is not to be missed.

Herrliberg was in a festive mood for three days. The “Dorffäscht 2022” took place from Friday to Sunday evening. The last time there was a festival like this in the village was 34 years ago. The people of Herrliberg were treated to a wide variety of events, from drum performances and art wheel demonstrations to puzzles in the library.

While some visitors listened to a wide variety of music or strolled through the street food area, the younger guests were entertained on bouncy castles, throwing cans or trying out unicycling. At the BONT stand, these little guests were able to paint flower pots and then plant a plant of their choice in the pot.

The main purpose of the festival was to celebrate and have fun together again in Herrliberg.

BONT - wir bepflanzen alles!
Die jungen Besucher bemalen die Blumentöpfe