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Adding colour and life to the garden

Look at the colourful flowers everywhere!

Watch the flower heads stretch out towards the warm rays of the sun.

Flower bulbs are usually added to flower beds and perennial plantings during the autumn planting season.

Crocuses, which bloomed at the end of February this year, daffodils and tulips, and the intense scent of hyacinths. All this and more is already attracting the wild bees.


The harbingers of spring are already showing themselves so beautifully…

Bereits Ende Februar gesichtet; Die Krokusblüten
Der Duft der Hyazinthen, Forchstrasse 205
Muscari / Traubenhyazinthe
leuchtender Krokus
tres chic Narziss
prächtig leuchtender Frühling
Mit Abendsonnen-Gruss aus Herrliberg